Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Even though Zeus can be compared to Odin he can also be compared to Thor God of thunder. Both Gods are similar in the sense that they are directly correlated to the weapons that they carry with them. Thor carries a hammer while Zeus's weapon of choice is a thunder bolt. Personally i feel as if the roles are switched. If Thor is the God of thunder why is Zeus the one that carries a thunder bolt around? Being compared with Zeus and Odin are very accurate depictions because Thor is the son of Odin and Jordan.

The creation of Thor was brought about the mating from a God and  giant. As such Thor followed in his fathers foot steps and mated with a giant as well named Jarnsaxa and produced two sons Modi and Magni Thor is one of the most popular Norse God. Today in time he has several movies and bout him and several movies with charters depicted of him. Being the God of thunder Norse culture believed that when there was a thunder storm Thor was riding his chariot in the heavens pulled by goats and lightning struck whenever he through his hammer.

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