Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Aphrodite Aphrodite: Goddess of Love." Aphrodite: Goddess of Love. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Aphrodite." Aphrodite. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Goddess Freya." Weblog post. Freya the Norse Goddess. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Norse and Greek Gods." Norse and Greek Gods. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Odin | Norse Mythology." N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
South, A. "Comparing Greek and Norse Mythology." Helium. Helium, 25 Mar. 2010. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Thor - Norse God of Thunder." Thor, God of Thunder: Viking Norse Myth Legend :Norse Mythology, Lady Gryphon's Mythical Realm. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Thor - Norse ThunderĂ‚ God." Ancient / Classical History. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.
"Zeus." Zeus. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012

An extremely Large part of today's culture. society, and religion have a lot to do with the religious and culture belief of Old Greeks and Norse mythology.  Even though the similarities are evident, the contrasts of the two of them far out weigh the similarities. Greek concepts and Norse concepts and completely opposite. Greek mythology was created to escape the horrible barbaric world and the realities therefore with in it. Making Greek mythology more "dreamy" and "blissful". Where as Norse mythology is filled with pending doom, and the promise of horror to come. 
Even though Zeus can be compared to Odin he can also be compared to Thor God of thunder. Both Gods are similar in the sense that they are directly correlated to the weapons that they carry with them. Thor carries a hammer while Zeus's weapon of choice is a thunder bolt. Personally i feel as if the roles are switched. If Thor is the God of thunder why is Zeus the one that carries a thunder bolt around? Being compared with Zeus and Odin are very accurate depictions because Thor is the son of Odin and Jordan.

The creation of Thor was brought about the mating from a God and  giant. As such Thor followed in his fathers foot steps and mated with a giant as well named Jarnsaxa and produced two sons Modi and Magni Thor is one of the most popular Norse God. Today in time he has several movies and bout him and several movies with charters depicted of him. Being the God of thunder Norse culture believed that when there was a thunder storm Thor was riding his chariot in the heavens pulled by goats and lightning struck whenever he through his hammer.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Frejya (Norse Goddess) and Aphrodite (Greek Goddess) where the goddesses associated with love, passion, beauty, and sex. Both Goddess are extremely beautiful and where constantly having to turn down Gods and even mortal men who wanted to be the center of their affection. Despite their differences both Goddesses are said to have helped many find true love. Conform to their surroundings and adapt to the challenges faced to them. Love and passion are the two elements that drive these Goddesses. Being the rulers that they are prosecution is something that often times follows them around when mentioned. Although Aphrodite was how ever very promiscuous Frejya certainly was not.

 Frejya is said to be the more mature of the two and is often compared to Venus. Her beauty and love for craft was also many times mistaken for being manipulative and some would say even serpent like. Even though Frejya is associated with beauty, love, and sex she was not a chaste goddess and was very faithful to her husband Od. She loved her husband and cried tears of gold when he went missing. She was so in love with him that she turned in to a bird and searched the world in hopes of finding him. When she did find him she was shoucked to discover that hes had turned into a hideous sea beast. Even though he had transformed form the Od she once knew she stilled stayed by his side until he was tragically murdered. Even though Od was not killed as a dying hero on he battle field the other gods offered him a place Valhalla so that Frejya would not kill them all. Frejya belonged to a Group of Gods and Goddesses known as the Vanir. These specific Gods where associated with wild places and animal, nature and the unseen realms. No man or God could resist her when she wore her necklace known as the Brisingamen.

It is said that Aphrodite was born when her father Cronus was castrated by his sun Uranus and his part was thrown into the sea. Aphrodite was thus born and appeared on a shell and was carried to shore. The sea nymphs dressed her and adorned her with flowers and gold. Aphrodite was the more promiscuous of the two. She was said to have many "relations" with different Gods and Mortals. She is also known to be the more jealous and violent of the two. Although Aphrodite was indeed beautiful the secret to her most immaculate beauty was not simply in her look. She wore a magic girdle that made any man that she desired to want her fall instantly in love with her.

In both Greek and Norse mythology there are very many similarities within the Gods. Odin (Norse God) and Zeus (Greek God) are two as such that have a lot of comparisons. Both Gods are associated with the skies, and also known as sort of the leaders in their Pantheons. Another similarity within the two of these powerful Gods was that they wee both know for walking among mortals and tampering with human activities. However sometimes Zeus was compared more to Thor (the god of thunder and lightning) because of his direct corrilation to the skies. Both Zeus and Odin had children that are know within Greek and Norse mythology. Odin was father to Balder (the shining one) and Zeus was father to Apollo ( the solar god of music and art).

Zeus is known to be the God of the sky and ruler of all Olympian Gods. After over throwing his father, Cronus, him and his two brothers Hades and Poseidon drew to find out who would be rulers of what part of the Earth. Zeus won and became the superime ruler of the Gods. Hades became the lord of the the under world (which is why in some cases the under world or "hell" is also called Hades) and Poseidon became the ruller of the sea. Zues was a God who punished people who where seen to be evil and lied and broke their oaths, but even though he was known for his harshness and severity he is also represented as the God of mercy and justice, protector of the weak and innocent.

Odin was the som of Bestla and Bor. He was respected and admired in the 18th and 19th century by the vikings. They admired and adorred his love for battle and he was known as the "father of the slain". Odin was the cheif God of Germanic mythology. His prominence demonstrates the importance of warfare in Germanic traditions. Although he was admired for his embodiment for war and violence, he was also admired for his kowledge and for his love of wisdom.