Monday, October 22, 2012

After starting my English class and talking about Norris Gods and the Gods in literature it only seemed fit to write about Norris Gods for my blog. God are found in all different religions and if you look costly at them in a way they take after each other. You can find that almost every God in a particular religion is in some way or another directly correlated to a different God in a different religion. The Gods in Greek mythology i feel have an influence on the Gods in the Pagan religion as well as an influence on Norris Gods and so on and so forth. For an example, the Green night in the Pagan religion is also directly related to the Green Man, as well and correlated with Santa clause in a completely different religion. The list goes on and on. Celtic Gods, Pagan Gods, Norris Gods, and even Greek Gods, in some way or another are related in some form or fashion.